
Showing posts from August, 2018

CIS608 - Week10 - Summary and theme of the blog

I love blogging. I do maintain my own blog for the technical solutions I find at my work on various issues that we come across in my daily life. Here is my own blog: Blogging helps me in various ways -  1. Creating a simplified solution or creating a small POC to the issue that came across 2. It is the place to save my old work and can quickly be used as a reference.  3. Easy to share my ideas with others 4. It helps others to headstart for a solution So I'm pro for the blogging as an assignment. It helped me finding new trends in cybersecurity. My primary concentration for the blog is - Data breaches, cybersecurity,  and a few emerging trends in the Finance world. In a couple of blogs, I discussed about security measures to be taken care against malware and other cyber threats. In one of my post, I discussed about using Artificial Intelligence in cybersecurity area. This may help in ...

CIS608 - Week9 - WannaCry - Ransomeware

WannaCry - Ransomware On May 12, 2017, IT world witnessed new ransomware called WannaCry and it impacted 300,000 immediately. This ransomware exploits the vulnerabilities in the Windows file-sharing protocol. The infiltration of this threat is through and point devices such as Windows devices that allowed inbound SMB communications on firewall ports 139 or 445 and had not been updated with the latest Microsoft security patch. Once a device had been exploited, the malware would scan for other vulnerable devices and spread over. The way Ransomware works is - once it infects, it encrypts, scrambles the data and then it demands to payout in cryptocurrency. The clients will always think whether to pay out for removing the ransom or replacing the system affected depending on the value of the data being attacked and replacement costs. It is not always true that the hijacked data can be retrieved, reinstalled and never be exported when payments are made. Dep...